Safeguarding Policy

Version 4 Revised June 2024

Author D Watkins 

1. Purpose and Aims

 This policy sets out the safeguarding aims of the project and summarises how these will be achieved. It also provides information on how any safeguarding concerns or incidents can be reported, and how these will be dealt with. 

The policy applies to children and young people participating in the research project. It also applies to their parents/carers, and to their school or other communities where the research takes place. The policy applies to all staff employed on the project and to staff employed by partner organisations. 


It has been developed collaboratively by research team members at the University of Sheffield’s School of Law and at Nottingham Trent University’s Department of Psychology, in line with the University of Sheffield’s Safeguarding Policy (available at and Nottingham Trent University’s Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults Policy (available at

2. The Principal Investigator (PI) and all members of the Research Team aim to:


3. To achieve these aims, the PI and all members of the Research Team will:


4. Where a member of the research team feels that a participant or someone else is at risk of being hurt, she/he will take the following steps:

5. To facilitate the reporting of incidents or concerns about potential exploitation, abuse or harm arising from the research by any person, the PI will:  

6. Where either the project’s Designated Safeguarding Contact (or the external Designated Safeguarding Contact) receives a report of an incident or concerns about potential exploitation, abuse or harm arising from the research by any person: