Empowering children & young people through law and play
What is this project about?
This project aims to strengthen children and young people’s 'legal capability' - or in other words, their ability to deal effectively with the many law-related issues that they encounter in their day to day lives - at home, at school and in their wider communities.
How will you do this?
We will do this by working with children and young people to create a range of game-based resources, both digital and non-digital.
These game-based resources will be designed to both measure and improve children and young people's legal knowledge, skills and confidence.
When will you do this?
The project started in 2019 and runs for 5 years. It had to be suspended for a while because of Covid 19 so it will finish in May 2025.
Where will the research take place?
We are working with children and young people in Leicester, Nottingham and Sheffield to start with, but we plan to extend our work to other areas of England as the project develops.
What will happen after that?
We aim to develop a specification of the process by which these game-based resources can be adapted to be used by children and young people in other countries.